- Class 12 Science Projects
- 1. Hooke’s law
- 2. Hydro Power
- 3. Electric Car
- 4. Buoyancy 101
- 5. Chemiluminescence
- 6. Salt Water v/s Tap water
- 7. Colour vs. Heat Absorption
- 8. Blackbody Thermal Emission
- 9. Changing the Speed of Light
- 10 Brass Instruments and Artificial Lips
- 11. Long and Short Wavelength Colors
- 12. Analysis of Black Hole Thermodynamics
- Chemistry
- 13. Growing Crystals
- 14. Photolithography
- 15. Electrolysis of Water
- 16. Test the Acidity In Tea
- 17. Formation of Biodiesel
- 18. Amount of Casein in Milk
- 19. Electrify Your Electrolytes
- 20. Power an Engine with Water
- 21. Percentage Purity Of Iron Wire
- 22. Thermal conductivity of metals
- 23. Effect of Acid Rain on Limestone Rock
- 24. Synthesis and Decomposition of Aspirin
- Biology
- 25. Plant Cell
- 26. Denaturation
- 27. Eye Diseases
- 28. Drug Addiction
- 29. Spermatogenesis
- 30. Dispersal of Seeds
- 31. Hemoglobin Test
- 32. Study On Gene Therapy
- 33. Strawberry DNA Extraction
- 34. Blowing Off Carbon Dioxide
- 35. Mitosis in Onion Root Tip Cells
- 36. Study of bio-insecticides and pesticides
- Maths
- 37. Probability
- 38. Raw Recruits
- 39. Chess Algorithms
- 40. Radical Obsession
- 41. Patterns in Polynomials
- 42. Marion Walter’s Theorem
- 43. Random Fibonacci Sequence
- 44. Volume and Surface Area of Cube and Cuboid
- 45. Exploring Rule Variations in Conway’s Game of Life
- 46. Displacement and Rotation of a Geometrical Figure
- 47. Adaptive Interference Rejection in Wireless Networking
- 48. Turbo Charging Computer with Mathematical Algorithms
- 49. Determining the Fraction of Lattice Points Visible from the Origin in the Third Dimension
- 50. Environmental Impact of Manipulation of Traffic Controller Algorithms
As a Class 12 student, you must be well aware of the science fair that is organized every year in your school. And, if you are interested in making a project for the science fair, then this blog post is for you.
In this blog post, we have compiled a list of 50 easy and interesting Class 12 Science projects. These projects are based on various topics such as physics, chemistry, biology, etc. So, go through the list and choose a project that you find interesting.
Class 12 Science Projects
1. Hooke’s law
In this experiment, you will be testing Hooke’s law, which states that the force needed to stretch or compress a spring is proportional to the amount of stretch or compression. You will need a spring, a ruler, and a way to measure force (such as a bathroom scale).
First, you will need to determine the spring constant of your spring. To do this, you will need to measure the force required to stretch the spring by different amounts. For example, if it takes 2N of force to stretch the spring by 1cm, then the spring constant is 2N/cm.
Once you have determined the spring constant, you can use Hooke’s law to predict how much force should be required to stretch the spring by different amounts.
Next, you will test your predictions by measuring the actual force required to stretch the spring by different amounts.
2. Hydro Power
If you are looking for an easy and interesting class 12 science projects for your class, consider a hydro power experiment.
To set up your experiment, fill the container with water and place the turbine in the center. The turbine should be able to spin freely.
Once everything is in place, observe how long the turbine spins when you give it a push. Record your observations and then try changing variables to see how they affect the results.
This is one of the great class 12 science projects to do alone or with a group. It’s a fun way to learn about hydro power and how it works. Plus, it’s always satisfying to see something you’ve made working properly!
3. Electric Car
In this experiment, we’ll be making a mini electric car that can run on a table top! This is one of the great class 12 science projects to know about how electric motors work, and it’s also a lot of fun to build and play with.
To perform this experiment, take your piece of wood or cardboard and cut it into a rectangle that is about 4 inches long and 2 inches wide. This will be the base of your car.
Next, take your four wheels and attach them to the two axles using the paperclips or metal rods. Make sure that the wheels are spaced evenly on the axles. Now it’s time to attach the motor to the base of the car.
We did this by hot glueing the motor onto one end of the rectangle, but you could also use tape or another type of adhesive. Just make sure that the shaft of the motor is pointing up so that it can spin freely.
4. Buoyancy 101
When it comes to class 12 science projects, there are few things more fun than experimenting with buoyancy.
There are a few easy ways to experiment with buoyancy. One is to fill a container with water and add different objects to see which float and which sink. You can also vary the amount of water or other liquid in the container to see how it affects buoyancy.
5. Chemiluminescence
Chemiluminescence is the light produced by a chemical reaction. It is different from other forms of light because it does not produce heat. Chemiluminescence can be used in many ways, including as a way to measure the number of chemicals in a sample, or as a way to create light without using electricity.
This is one of the easy and interesting class 12 science project to make your own glow-in-the-dark ink. To make the ink, simply remove the felt tip from the highlighter and dip it into the water.
Then write or draw anything you want on a piece of paper. When you turn off the lights, your design will glow!
6. Salt Water v/s Tap water
Have you ever wondered if there was a difference between salt water and tap water? Well, now is your chance to find out with this one of the easy and interesting class 12 science projects.
First, add 1/2 cup of salt to one of the glasses or jars. Then, fill both glasses or jars with equal amounts of tap water. Stir each mixture until the salt has dissolved.
Now it’s time for the experiment! Place both glasses or jars in the same location and observe them over the course of 24 hours.
After 24 hours have passed, take a look at the results. What do you notice? Is there a difference between the two mixtures?
7. Colour vs. Heat Absorption
When it comes to class 12 science projects, one of the most interesting things to look at is the difference in how different colors absorb heat.
First, take your black construction paper and cut it into small pieces. Then, do the same with the white construction paper. Next, place the black pieces of paper in one line, and the white pieces of paper in another line.
After that, put the thermometer in the sun, and wait until it reaches its highest temperature.
Once it does, quickly place the thermometer on top of the black construction paper. Leave it there for 30 seconds, and then remove it. Record the temperature that you see on the thermometer.
Next, do the same thing with the white construction paper. Again, record the temperature that you see on the thermometer.
Finally, compare the two temperatures that you recorded. The difference between them will show how much heat is absorbed by each color!
8. Blackbody Thermal Emission
The Blackbody Thermal Emission Science Experiment is a great way to learn about how blackbodies absorb and emit radiation. This idea from list of class 12 science projects uses a simple blackbody radiator to demonstrate these principles.
To set up the experiment, place the blackbody radiator in the center of the room and turn on the heat lamp. Allow the radiator to reach equilibrium temperature (this may take several minutes).
Once the radiator has reached equilibrium temperature, use the thermometer to measure its temperature. Record this temperature in your data notebook.
Next, use the light meter to measure the intensity of the light emitted by the radiator at various wavelengths.
Again, record your data in your notebook. You should see that the intensity of the emitted light increases as wavelength decreases.
This is due to the fact that shorter wavelength electromagnetic radiation has more energy than longer wavelength radiation.
Finally, plot your data and compare it to theoretical predictions for blackbody radiation. You should see good agreement between your experimental data and theory.
9. Changing the Speed of Light
It’s possible to change the speed of light, but it takes a bit of effort. In this experiment, you’ll use a laser to slow down the speed of light.
To perform this one of the easy class 12 science projects, set up the laser, lens, and mirror in a dark room so that the laser beam goes through the lens and is reflected by the mirror.
Adjust the focus of the lens so that the laser beam is focused on a small spot on the mirror. Turn off the lights in the room and watch the spot on the mirror.
Slowly move the lens away from the mirror while still watching the spot on the mirror. When you see the spot start to move, stop moving the lens and turn on the lights.
Measure how far you moved the lens from its original position when you saw the spot start to move. This is your measurement of how much you’ve changed the speed of light!
10 Brass Instruments and Artificial Lips
This one of the great idea of class 12 science projects is not only fun, but it is also a great way to learn about the physics of sound.
For this, you will need to put on the artificial lip. It must be snug, but not too tight.
Next, take your trumpet and play a note. You should notice that the note sounds different with the artificial lip on.
Now try playing different notes and see how they sound with the artificial lip. You can even try making up your own tunes!
Once you are done, be sure to take off the artificial lip and clean it off before putting it away.
This class 12 science projects idea is a great way to learn about how brass instruments work and how the physics of sound works. So have fun and enjoy learning about science!
11. Long and Short Wavelength Colors
When it comes to light, we usually think of the colors that we can see. But did you know that there are actually two types of light waves? These are called short wavelength colors and long wavelength colors.
First, take your red, blue, and green crayons and color a big X on the white piece of paper. Make sure that the X is about the same size as your flashlight beam.
Now turn off all the lights in the room and shine your flashlight through the colored X. You should see a beautiful spectrum of colors on the wall!
Now, take your black piece of paper and make a tiny dot in the center with your pen or pencil.
Once again, turn off all the lights in the room and shine your flashlight through the dot. This time, you should only see a small spot of light on the wall.
Now, when light waves hit an object, they can either be reflected or absorbed.
That’s why we saw such a wide spectrum of colors when we shone our flashlight through the colored X – all those different colors were being reflected at us.
12. Analysis of Black Hole Thermodynamics
Black hole thermodynamics is the study of how black holes radiate energy. The main focus of this idea in list of class 12 science projects is to understand how black holes emit energy, and how this affects their environment.
To complete this project, you will need to research black hole thermodynamics and collect data on black hole radiation.
Once you have collected your data, you will need to analyze it and draw conclusions about how black holes emit energy.
13. Growing Crystals
Growing crystals is one of the classic class 12 science projects that is both easy and interesting. You can grow crystals from a variety of materials, including salt, sugar, alum, borax, and even soap.
For this experiment, dissolve your chosen material in water. The more concentrated the solution, the better. Pour the solution into the glass jar.
Tie the string or wire around the pencil so that it hangs down into the solution without touching the sides or bottom of the jar. This will be your “crystal seed”.
Place the jar in a cool, dark place and wait for crystals to form on your seed. It may take a few days to a week for visible results.
Once your crystals have grown to the desired size, remove them from the solution and allow them to dry completely.
Enjoy your beautiful homemade crystals!
14. Photolithography
Photolithography is the process of using light to transfer a pattern onto a substrate. It is used extensively in the semiconductor industry to create integrated circuits (ICs).
It is one of the class 12 science projects can be a great way to learn about this important process.
For this experiment, remember you get a UV light source, get some photo-sensitive material, create your desired pattern on a transparency sheet.
Place the transparency sheet on top of the photo-sensitive material and expose it to the UV light source.
Develop your exposed image by washing it with water or another developer solution depending on the type of photo-sensitive material you are using.
Your developed image is now ready to be transferred onto any substrate you desire! Experiment with different materials to see what works best.
15. Electrolysis of Water
Water electrolysis is a process where water is decomposed into its constituent elements, hydrogen and oxygen, using an electric current. This idea from class 12 science projects is easy to do at home with some basic materials and supplies.
To do this experiment, cut the top off the plastic container using the scissors. Strip about 1/2 inch of insulation from each end of the copper and zinc wires using the wire strippers.
Attach one end of the copper wire to the positive terminal of the battery with an alligator clip lead. Attach one end of the zinc wire to the negative terminal of the battery with another alligator clip lead.
Tape the other ends of the copper and zinc wires to opposite sides of the inside of the container so that they are not touching each other.
Fill the container with water so that it covers both wires but does not touch the alligator clip leads or battery terminals.
Observe what happens over a period of time (several hours or days). You should see bubbles forming on both wires as they decompose water into hydrogen and oxygen gas.
16. Test the Acidity In Tea
A simple and easy way to test the acidity in tea is to use a pH indicator strips.
To do this, dip the pH strip into the tea and compare the color on the strip to the color chart that comes with the strips. The lower the number on the chart, the more acidic the tea is.
You can also test for acidity using litmus paper.
To do this, wet a piece of litmus paper with distilled water and then hold it near the surface of the tea. If the paper turns red, then the tea is acidic. If it turns blue, then the tea is basic.
17. Formation of Biodiesel
Biodiesel is an alternative fuel made from renewable resources.
It is a cleaner burning fuel than petroleum diesel. Biodiesel reduces emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter.
The formation of biodiesel is a simple process that can be done as a class 12 science projects. The first step is to gather the necessary supplies.
Next, you will need to mix the lye and water together to create a solution called “lye water.” Be careful when handling lye as it is caustic and can cause burns. Once the lye water is mixed, slowly add the methanol to it while stirring constantly.
Now it’s time to add the vegetable oil or animal fat to the mixture. This can be done by heating the oil until it is liquid and then adding it slowly to the mixture while stirring constantly. The mixture will begin to thicken and turn into biodiesel.
Once all the ingredients are combined, pour the biodiesel into a container and allow it to cool and settle for 24 hours
18. Amount of Casein in Milk
Another one of the common class 12 science projects is to determine the amount of casein in milk.
To perform this experiment, heat the milk to just below boiling. Add rennet to the hot milk and stir gently for about a minute.
Then, remove the Bunsen burner or hot plate and allow the mixture to sit undisturbed for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes have passed, you should see a solid curd had formed.
Using a filter paper and funnel, collect the curd in a jar or container. The curd that you collected is mostly casein. To dry the curd, you can place it on a clean
The amount of casein in milk is determined by the type of cow and her diet. For example, Jersey cows have more casein in their milk than Holstein cows.
The amount of casein in milk can also be affected by what the cow eats. For example, if a cow eats grass, she will have more casein in her milk than if she ate grain.
19. Electrify Your Electrolytes
In this science project, students will electrify their electrolytes and learn how they work to keep the body hydrated. This is one of the fun and easy class 12 science projects that can be done with materials you probably already have at home.
To get started, you’ll need some lemons, limes, oranges, or other citrus fruits; table salt; water; and strips of copper foil or wire. You’ll also need a 9-volt battery and some alligator clips.
Cut the fruit into small pieces and place them in a bowl of water. Add a tablespoon of salt for every cup of water. Stir until the salt is dissolved.
Attach one end of the copper wire or foil to the positive terminal of the battery, then touch the other end to one of the pieces of fruit in the salt water solution. You should see bubbles forming around the piece of fruit. These are oxygen gas bubbles being released from the fruit as it oxidizes in the presence of an electric current.
Now touch the other end of the copper wire or foil to another piece of fruit in the solution. You should see more bubbles forming as oxygen gas is released from both pieces of fruit.
20. Power an Engine with Water
Water can be used as a fuel! In this idea for class 12 science projects, you will use water to power an engine.
First, fill the container with water. Connect the engine to the water supply, and start the engine and let it run until it runs out of water.
Water is a renewable resource that can be used to power an engine. In this project, you will build a water-powered engine and use it to power a car or other vehicle.
You will need to collect data on the amount of water needed to power the engine and the distance the car can travel on a given amount of water.
21. Percentage Purity Of Iron Wire
When it comes to class 12 science projects, an easy and interesting option is to test the percentage purity of iron wire. This can be done by measuring the weight and length of the wire, and then using a simple calculation to determine the purity.
First, weigh the iron wire on the digital scale. Next, use the ruler or tape measure to determine the length of the wire. Finally, divide the weight by the length to get the percentage purity of iron. For example, if the wire weighs 10 grams and is 1 meter long, then the percentage purity would be 10%.
This is a quick and easy experiment that can be used to teach basic concepts of science and math. It’s also a great way to show how real-world applications can be used in everyday life.
22. Thermal conductivity of metals
The thermal conductivity of a metal is the ability of the metal to conduct heat.
First, place the piece of metal on the heat source. Measure the temperature of the metal with the thermometer.
Record the starting temperature in your data table. Start the timer. Every minute, measure the temperature of the metal again and record it in your data table.
Continue until you have recorded five minutes’ worth of data or until the temperature of the metal stops increasing.
23. Effect of Acid Rain on Limestone Rock
When limestone rock is exposed to acid rain, it slowly begins to dissolve. This process can be accelerated by adding an acidic substance, such as vinegar, to the rainwater. In this experiment, we will investigate how quickly limestone rock dissolves in acid rain.
Fill a measuring cup or beaker with water. Add vinegar to the water, using a 1:1 ratio of vinegar to water. Place the limestone rock in the acid rain solution and start the timer or stopwatch.
Observe the limestone rock over time and record your observations. After 30 minutes, remove the limestone rock from the acid rain solution and rinse it off with clean water. Repeat steps 1-3, but this time do not add any vinegar to the water (this will be your control group). Record your observations.
Compare your results from both experiments and draw conclusions about how acid rain affects limestone rocks.
24. Synthesis and Decomposition of Aspirin
In this experiment, we will be synthesizing aspirin and investigating its decomposition.
Aspirin is an organic compound made up of a phenol group and an acetyl group. It is a white, crystalline solid with a slightly bitter taste.
It is used as a medication to relieve pain and fever. When aspirin decomposes, it breaks down into acetic acid and phenol. In this experiment,you will be using indicators to observe the synthesis and decomposition of aspirin.
25. Plant Cell
Plant cell science experiments are a great way to learn about the structure and function of plant cells. There are a variety of ways to set up these experiments, and they can be tailored to fit the needs of any class. Here are a few easy and interesting ideas for plant cell science experiments:
Create a model of a plant cell using everyday materials. This is a great way to visualize the different parts of the cell and how they work together. Observe real plant cells under a microscope. This can be done with fresh plant material or with prepared slides. Try to identify the different parts of the cell and note any differences between plant cells and other types of cells you have seen.
26. Denaturation
When it comes to class 12 science projects, there are many different things that you can do. However, one easy and interesting idea is to do a denaturation science experiment. This is a great way to learn about how proteins work and how they can be affected by changes in their environment.
First, you will need to place your protein into the bowl or container. Then, you will need to add enough water to cover the protein.
Next, you will need to apply heat to the mixture. You can do this by either placing the bowl on a stove top over low heat or by microwaving the mixture for a few seconds.
Once the protein has been heated, it will begin to denature. This means that the proteins will start to unravel and change shape. As they do this, they will also start to clump together. You can observe this process by looking at the mixture through a microscope or by using a magnifying glass.
27. Eye Diseases
To do this experiment, you will need a sheet of white paper, a pencil, and a magnifying glass.
First, make a dot in the center of the paper with the pencil. Then, hold the magnifying glass over the dot and move it around until you can see the dot clearly.
Finally, move the magnifying glass away from the paper until the dot becomes blurry again.
28. Drug Addiction
There are many easy and interesting ideas for class 12 science projects on drug addiction.
There are many different ways to approach a drug addiction science project. One option is to look at the different types of drugs and how they affect the brain. Another option is to look at how drug addiction develops and what factors can contribute to its development.
Regardless of which angle you choose to take, a drug addiction science project can be a very eye-opening and interesting experience for both you and your classmates.
29. Spermatogenesis
There are many different ways to approach the class 12 science projects.
One option is to investigate how different factors affect sperm cell development. Another option for your spermatogenesis science project is to focus on a specific stage of sperm cell development.
30. Dispersal of Seeds
There are many ways that plant disperse their seeds. Some use the wind, some use water, and some use animals. You can do a project on any of these methods, or on all of them!
To do a project on seed dispersal, you will first need to gather some seeds. You can get these from a variety of places, such as your backyard, a park, or even the grocery store. Once you have your seeds, you will need to determine how each one is dispersed. This information can be found online, in books, or from talking to experts.
Once you have gathered your information, you will need to design an experiment to test how well each method of seed dispersal works.
After conducting your experiment, you will need to analyze your data and write up your findings. Once you’ve written up your results, present them to your class or share them with friends and family – anyone who’s interested in learning about your project!
31. Hemoglobin Test
A hemoglobin test is a simple and quick way to check your child’s iron levels. To do this experiment, fill the glass tube with the blood sample.
Place the filter paper over the top of the tube, and secure it with a rubber band. Invert the tube, and allow the blood to drip onto the filter paper.
After a few minutes, examine the filter paper through the magnifying glass. The red blood cells should appear as small round dots. Compare the number of red blood cells on the filter paper to a chart (available online or in most medical textbooks) to determine your child’s hemoglobin level.
32. Study On Gene Therapy
A gene therapy for class 12 science projects is a great way to learn about how this cutting-edge medical treatment works. You can use different types of cells and viruses to deliver the therapeutic genes into the patient’s cells. This type of treatment is used to correct genetic defects or to treat cancer.
There are many different ways to do a gene therapy science experiment. One way is to use a plasmid, which is a circular piece of DNA that contains the therapeutic gene. Another way is to use a virus that has been genetically engineered to carry the therapeutic gene into the patient’s cells.
To do a study on gene therapy, you will need to find some easy and interesting ideas.
33. Strawberry DNA Extraction
You can extract DNA from anything that contains cells, including strawberries. In this project, you will use basic kitchen supplies to purée strawberries and then filter out the solids to create a DNA-rich solution.
Cut the tops off of the strawberries and discard them. Cut the remaining strawberry into small pieces and place in a blender or food processor. Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of dish soap to the strawberry pieces and blend until smooth.
Pour the strawberry mixture through a coffee filter into a clean container. The coffee filter will catch the solids (cell membranes and seeds) while allowing the liquid (strawberry DNA) to pass through.
Pour rubbing alcohol over the filtered liquid until it reaches about 1 inch above the liquid’s surface. Rubbing alcohol is less dense than water, so it will float on top of the liquid.
34. Blowing Off Carbon Dioxide
Blowing off carbon dioxide is one of the most interesting and easy class 12 science projects you can do. All you need is a balloon, a straw, and some baking soda.
First, inflate the balloon with air. Then, add a few tablespoons of baking soda to the straw. Finally, put the straw in the balloon and blow into it.
As you blow into the balloon, the baking soda will react with the air to create carbon dioxide. This gas will fill up the balloon and make it expand. When you stop blowing, the carbon dioxide will slowly escape from the balloon, and it will deflate.
35. Mitosis in Onion Root Tip Cells
Mitosis is the process of cell division that results in the creation of two identical daughter cells. This process is essential for the growth and repair of tissues in the body.
One way to observe mitosis is by studying onion root tip cells. To do this, you will need a microscope, a razor blade, and an onion.
First, use the razor blade to carefully remove a thin slice of the onion root. Next, place the onion root slice on a slide and add a drop of water.
Then, put the slide on the microscope and adjust the focus until you can see the cells clearly.
Now, look for cells that are in different stages of mitosis. Finally, sketch what you see under the microscope in your science journal.
36. Study of bio-insecticides and pesticides
Insects and other pests can wreak havoc on crops, gardens, and lawns. But sometimes the chemicals used to control them can do more harm than good. That’s why it’s important to study bio-insecticides and pesticides before using them.
First, choose the insect or pest you want to study. Then, apply the bio-insecticide or pesticide to one group of insects or pests. Leave another group untreated as a control. Observe both groups over time to see how the bio-insecticide or pesticide affects them.
You can also test different types of bio-insecticides and pesticides to see which is most effective. Just be sure to follow all safety instructions when handling these chemicals.
37. Probability
Probability science experiments are a great way to learn about the world around us. By conducting experiments, we can observe and measure the results to draw conclusions about how likely something is to happen.
There are many interesting things that can be learned about probability through class 12 science projects.
For example, students can learn to calculate the likelihood of certain events occurring, and they can also learn to predict the outcome of future events based on past data. Additionally, students can develop an understanding of how different factors (such as weather or human behavior) can impact the probability of an event occurring.
38. Raw Recruits
Many class 12 science projects can be completed with items that you already have in your home.
To begin, mix the baking soda and vinegar together in the cup. Add a few drops of food coloring to the mixture and stir. Next, carefully add the dish soap to the mixture. The goal is to not let the foamy mixture overflow from the cup.
Finally, use the balloon to cover the opening of the cup and secure it with a rubber band.
Now it’s time to observe! Check back on your experiment every few minutes to see what happens as the gases escape from the balloon.
39. Chess Algorithms
There are many different chess algorithms that can be used in a class 12 science experiment.
Use the chess algorithm to solve a problem that has been given to you. Create a chess board and try to find the best move for each piece. This will help you understand how the algorithm works and what it is trying to accomplish.
Try to create your own chess algorithm. This can be a fun challenge, and it will help you better understand how these algorithms work.
40. Radical Obsession
Looking for an interesting and easy class 12 science projects ideas? Check out radical obsession science experiment.
Begin by filling your clear plastic cup with water. Add a few drops of food coloring to the water and stir gently to mix. Cut your small piece of paper into a shape that will fit snugly inside the cup. We used a heart shape, but you can be creative!
Place the paper shape into the cup of colored water. Observe what happens over the next few hours.
41. Patterns in Polynomials
To begin your project, you will need to choose a specific type of polynomial to focus on. Once you have chosen your polynomial, you will need to collect data points for your project. You can do this by graphing the polynomial, or by finding real-world examples that fit your polynomial.
Once you have collected your data points, you will have to analyze them to look for patterns.
After you have analyzed your data and answered these questions, you will have to write up your findings in a clear and concise manner.
Be sure to include all relevant information, such as what types of polynomials you studied, what data you collected, and what patterns you found.
42. Marion Walter’s Theorem
Marion Walter’s Theorem states that if a graph is drawn on a piece of paper, then the number of different regions that can be formed is always two more than the number of vertices.
You can use this theorem to create a class 12 science projects idea.
First, draw a graph on a piece of paper. Make sure that there are at least three vertices and that the graph is connected (i.e., there are no isolated vertices). Then count the number of different regions that can be formed.
Finally, ask your students to predict what they think the theorem states and see if they are correct!
43. Random Fibonacci Sequence
A Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. The simplest Fibonacci sequence is 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,…
You can experiment with the Fibonacci sequence by randomly choosing two numbers from the sequence and adding them together. What happens if you keep doing this? Will you eventually get stuck in a loop, or will you find yourself repeating numbers? Can you predict what will happen next?
This experiment is a great way to introduce kids to the concept of the Fibonacci sequence and help them visualize how it works. Plus, it’s a lot of fun!
44. Volume and Surface Area of Cube and Cuboid
When teaching your class about volume and surface area, performing a hands-on experiment is always the best way to go. Here is a fun and easy science experiment that you can do with your students to help them better understand these concepts.
Measure the length of each side of the cube and cuboid using the ruler or measuring tape. Record these measurements on the piece of paper. Calculate the volume of each object by multiplying the length of each side together.
To calculate the surface area, you will need to measure the length and width of each face of both objects and multiply those numbers together. Then, simply add all six numbers together to get the total surface area for each object.
Do this for all six faces of both objects and then add up all six numbers to get the total surface area for each object.
45. Exploring Rule Variations in Conway’s Game of Life
In Conway’s Game of Life, there are a few different rules that can be followed. For this math project, students can explore the different rule variations and see how they affect the game.
There are four main rules that can be varied:
The number of live neighbors needed for a cell to remain alive (usually either 2 or 3). The number of live neighbors needed for a cell to be born (usually either 3 or 4)
Whether cells wrap around the edge of the grid (if they go off one side, they appear on the other). What shape the grid is in (square, hexagon, etc.)
Students can experiment with different combinations of these rules and see how it affects the game. They can also try to come up with their own rule variations and see what happens.
46. Displacement and Rotation of a Geometrical Figure
The displacement and rotation of a geometrical figure is one of the simple class 12 science projects. For this experiment, you will need a sheet of paper, a pencil, and a ruler.
First, draw a line on the paper using the pencil and ruler. Next, place the paper on a flat surface and measure the distance from the line to the edge of the paper. This is the displacement.
Now, rotate the paper 90 degrees and measure the distance from the line to the edge of the paper again. This is the new displacement. Repeat this process several times and record your results.
You should notice that as you rotate the paper, the displacement changes. This is because rotation causes displacement. Try rotating the paper in different directions and at different angles to see how it affects displacement.
47. Adaptive Interference Rejection in Wireless Networking
In this project, you will develop a mathematical model for an IRF and use it to study the performance of the filter in different scenarios. You will also investigate how the IRF can be used in conjunction with other methods to further improve performance. This project is suitable for students with a good background in mathematics.
48. Turbo Charging Computer with Mathematical Algorithms
Maths project is one of the most interesting and easy ideas for a class 12 science projects. It involves using mathematical algorithms to turbocharge a computer. This can be done by adding more cores to the processor or by increasing the clock speed.
Adding more cores to the processor will make the computer faster at handling multiple tasks simultaneously. However, this will also increase the power consumption of the computer. Increasing the clock speed will make the computer faster at processing single tasks but will also increase its power consumption.
49. Determining the Fraction of Lattice Points Visible from the Origin in the Third Dimension
To determine the fraction of lattice points visible from the origin in the third dimension, we will first need to identify how many lattice points there are in the third dimension.
If we take a cube with sides of length 1 unit, then there are 8 vertices (lattice points), 12 edges, and 6 faces. However, if we increase the size of our cube to 2 units on each side, then there are now 26 vertices (lattice points), 36 edges, and 24 faces. We can see that as the size of our cube increases, so does the number of lattice points.
Now let’s think about how many of these lattice points are visible from the origin. If we take our 3-dimensional space and imagine it as a slice through 4-dimensional space, then we can see that any given hyperplane will intersect our 3-dimensional space in a plane.
This means that any given Lattice point will only be visible from the origin if it lies on this plane of intersection.
50. Environmental Impact of Manipulation of Traffic Controller Algorithms
This project aims to investigate the different ways in which traffic controllers can manipulate algorithms to improve the flow of traffic. By understanding the maths behind these algorithms, we can make more informed decisions about how to manage traffic in our cities.
There are many different variables that need to be considered when manipulating algorithms, such as the number of vehicles on the road, the speed limit, and the type of road. This project will consider all of these factors and more to find the most efficient way to manipulate algorithms for improved traffic flow.
The results of this project could have a significant impact on the environment, and could lead to major reductions in emissions and energy consumption. If you’re interested in making a difference and want to learn more about algorithms and mathematics, then this is the project for you!